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Carnivora Goat Diet - 4LBS or 25LBS 8oz Patties
Carnivora Goat Diet - 4LBS or 25LBS 8oz Patties
Carnivora Goat Diet - 4LBS or 25LBS 8oz Patties
Carnivora Goat Diet - 4LBS or 25LBS 8oz Patties

Carnivora Goat Diet - 4LBS or 25LBS


Regular price $28.95 Sale

There is a reason Goat is the most widely consumed red meat in the world. There are many benefits to goat, like did you know that goat leaves a very small environmental footprint. Some estimate as efficient one tenth that of beef!

Plus the great health benefits include its: lower in calories, less total fat, less saturated fat, and less cholesterol than traditional meats. Additionally, goat meat has higher levels of iron when compared to a similar serving size of beef, lamb, pork and chicken. Comparatively, goat meat also contains higher potassium content with lower sodium levels. Goat meat closely resembles that of beef and lamb regarding essential amino acid composition.

Because of the small amount of goat consumed in Canada, it ensures that production is limited to small farms where they are pasture raised, grass fed with no application of hormones or antibiotics.

So for the health conscious pet owner, Goat is a great choice of protein. Ingredients are meat, bone & organ.

Comes in:   4lb packages consisting of 8 - 8oz patties
              OR 25LB Cases consisting of 50 - 8oz patties

Occasionally there are Multi Bag Discounts available as well