Gold Standard Herbs at Poochie Moochie
by Destany McDonald
At Poochie Moochie here in Edmonton we're proud to carry the whole line of Gold Standard Herbs by Dr. Steve Marsden. He is one of the world's foremost holistic veterinarians. Traditional Chinese Medicine's approach is to start at the root of the problem, by first addressing the disharmony that's causing these symptoms to occur. When herbs enter the body, they clean, balance, help assimilate nutrients, support glandular systems and strengthen the immune system. They actually change the tissue and environment of the body.
TCM Food Energetics for your Dog
by Destany McDonald
Traditional Chinese Medicine or TCM is rooted in the principles of balancing the body's energies for overall health and well-being. TCM believes that foods have energy too. Foods can be cooling, neutral, warming, or hot. This is called food energetics. “Let food be thy medicine” by using diet you can create a balanced or neutral energy that better supports your pets body.
Natural Pet Healthcare during Spring!
by Destany McDonaldIt’s Spring! That unfortunately means allergies can be in full swing for our furry friends. Today we want to talk about the best supplements we carry at Poochie Moochie Edmonton to help them have the best itch free spring and summer!
adored beast
benefits of raw
cat allergies
cat supplements
dog allergies
dog boutique
dog flea and tick
dog health store
dog healthcare
dog nutrition
Dog supplement
dog supplements
Edmonton pet store
four leaf rover
itchy dog
liver tonic
pet health
pet liver care
pet liver cleanse
thrive supplements