Why the Quality of your Dog Probiotics Matters
by Destany McDonaldGiving your dog or cat probiotics is one of the best things you can do to be proactive for their health. A healthy gut is the best way to prevent and protect your pet from almost all health ailments! But not all probiotics are equal. At Poochie Moochie here in Edmonton we do a lot of research into every single one of the products we carry, Adored Beast Apothecary has been our go to pre/probiotic. Today I want to compare Love Bugs Pre and Probiotic to one of the most widely consumed probiotic for dogs. Purina Proplan Forti Flora.
What To Expect When Transitioning From Kibble to Raw
by Destany McDonaldCollapsed Trachea in Dog’s
by Destany McDonaldCollapsed trachea is a tough condition to watch your furry friend deal with as it presents in coughing attacks, irregular breathing, gagging, low energy or even fainting from the lack of oxygen. Here are some ways to prevent and manage it naturally with tips from us at Poochie Moochie Edmonton.